Mugen, Kanata

My rank: N/A
Shimoda, Asami

My rank: N/A
My score : N/A

Weight: 100 %

Favorites: 330

Age: 39
Born: January 30, 1986
Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace

Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace

Members score: 7.10

Movie (1 eps)
Aired: Jan 22, 2014
Kira Vincent-Davis

My rank: N/A
My score : N/A

Weight: 100 %

Favorites: 144

Age: 45
Born: July 09, 1979
Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace

Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace

Members score: 7.10

Movie (1 eps)
Aired: Jan 22, 2014